At the beginning of its development, Forestry Department students who had completed the baccalaureate program continued their education at IPB Bogor in 1968 and were appointed as permanent assistants, namely Sampe Bunga Paembonan, Baharuddin Mappangadja, Mappatoba SIla, and Baharuddin Nurkin. In the same year, Ir. Mas’ud Junus, who had just completed his studies at the Faculty of Forestry, IPB Bogor, was appointed as extraordinary teaching staff and at the same time became Chair of the Forestry Department, replacing Ir. W.H. Hutadjulu. The Faculty of Forestry was formed based on the Letter of the Director General of Higher Education Number: 483/D/T/2006 dated 18 December 2006 concerning Approval of the Development of the Forestry Department into the Faculty of Forestry and Environment, and the Chancellor’s Decree No. 440/H4/2007 Dated 14 March 2007 concerning the Establishment of the Faculty of Forestry. The Faculty of Forestry is a development of the Forestry Department of Hasanuddin University which was historically founded on August 18 1963, a year after the formation of the Faculty of Agriculture.
Based on the decision of the Director General of Higher Education No. 108/Dikti/Kep./1984, in 1984 the Forestry Department underwent restructuring so that it had two study programs, namely the Forest Management and Cultivation Study Program and the Forest Product Technology Study Program. In 1996, the Forest Management and Cultivation Study Program changed its name to the Forest Management Study Program based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 234/Dikti/Kep./1996. Until the development of the Forestry Department into the Faculty of Forestry, these two Study Programs remained the main pillars of providing education, research and community service in the field of forestry at Hasanuddin University.
Sebelas tahun kemudian sejak keluarnya Keputusan Dirjen Dikti Departemen Pendidikan Nasional No. 163/DIKTI/Kep/ 2007 tentang Penataan dan Kodifikasi Program Studi pada Perguruan Tinggi, Fakultas Kehutanan memiliki hanya satu jurusan dan satu program studi yaitu Program Studi Kehutanan. Fakultas Kehutanan memiliki tekad yang ingin menyatu dan berkembang dengan masyarakat dan lingkungannya serta berperan dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi untuk mewujudkan pengelolaan hutan dan hasil hutan yang merupakan tuntutan lingkungan global berlandaskan khasanah budaya yang taat azas, telah kritis, teguh-tekun- ulet dan menjunjung tinggi kejujuran dan tanggung jawab.
Eleven years later since the issuance of Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Department of National Education No. 163/DIKTI/Kep/ 2007 concerning Structuring and Codification of Study Programs in Higher Education, the Faculty of Forestry has only one department and one study program, namely the Forestry Study Program. The Faculty of Forestry has the determination to unite and develop with society and the environment and play a role in the development of science and technology to realize the management of forests and forest products which are global environmental demands based on cultural treasures that adhere to principles, are critical, persistent, tenacious and uphold high level of honesty and responsibility.