Unhas Forestry Study Program Introduces NTFP Products and Provides Making Organic Fertilizer from Agricultural Waste to the Community of Timpuseng Village, Maros Regency

The Forestry Study Program (Prodi) of the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University (Unhas) organizes community service activities in the form of socializing the potential use of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) and providing training to the community on making organic fertilizer from agricultural waste. The activity took place in Timpuseng Village, Camba District, Maros Regency, Sunday (24/11/2024).

Starting the activities of the Head of the Forestry Study Program, Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University and Head of the Community Service Team, Dr. Ir. Sitti Nuraeni, MP. In his speech, he said that this activity aims to empower the community by optimally utilizing local resources, both from forest products and agricultural waste, to improve community welfare in a sustainable manner.

“I hope that through this activity the community can apply the knowledge gained in their daily lives so that it has an impact on increasing agricultural and economic productivity,” said Dr. Nuraeni.

After the speech, the activity continued with the presentation of material from the resource person, namely, Dr. Ir. Budiman, M.P. about the potential of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) as a source of additional income as well as practical steps for making organic fertilizer from agricultural waste materials.

The community is invited to practice directly making organic fertilizer by using local materials that are easily found around the village. It is hoped that this activity will be able to provide solutions for waste management while supporting sustainable agriculture.

Mr. Anwar, one of the Timpuseng Village residents, expressed his enthusiasm for this activity and said that he and the community were greatly helped by this training, especially in understanding how to make organic fertilizer more efficiently.

“With this knowledge, we can process surrounding waste into something useful,” said Mr. Anwar.

The activities taking place involved the Mekar Forest Farmers Group consisting of the Timpuseng Village community and the Unhas Forestry Study Program service team. And closed with the handover of tools and materials for making organic fertilizer to community representatives as support for program sustainability.
