As a form of concern for others, UKM PAL, Faculty of Forestry, Unhas Sends Assistance Worth IDR. 23 Million for Luwu Flood Victims, South Sulawesi

Tamalanrea-Makassar. The Student Activity Unit (UKM) Pandu AlamEnvironment (PAL) of the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University (Unhas) helped the Luwu flood victims, South Sulawesi, by sending aid worth Rp. 23 million.

The funds collected were the result of collaboration between UKM PAL and the Faculty of Forestry Unhas from fundraising from alumni and PAL members.

UKM PAL then spent the funds on several goods which would be sent for the victims’ needs which had been previously communicated with local parties.

These items include baby necessities such as milk, telon oil and diapers. Not only that, there are also other necessities such as rice, vegetables, salted fish and sarongs.

The distribution of aid was carried out by UKM PAL in the courtyard of the Unhas Forestry Faculty at 15.00 WITA, Tamalanrea Campus, Makassar, Thursday (16/5/2024).

Present at the release, the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, Dr. Ir. A. Mujetahid M., S.Hut., M.P., IPU., Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Faculty of Forestry, Unhas, Dr. Ir. Syamsu Rijal, S.Hut., M.Sc., IPU., Chair of the Executive Board of the Sylva Indonesia Forestry Student Family (PC.) Unhas, Muhammad Tegar Rafiadi, General Chair of UKM PAL, Abitzar Alghifari, representatives of institutions and members of UKM PAL.

The General Chair of UKM PAL, Abitzar Alghifari, expressed his gratitude to all parties, especially the Faculty of Forestry Unhas and alumni who have donated to help the Luwu flood victims, South Sulawesi.

“This assistance is a form of our concern for others. And we will distribute it together with KPH Latimojong to the Luwu flood victims, South Sulawesi. I hope this assistance can provide benefits and lighten their burden a little,” explained Abitzar.

Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, Dr. Ir. A. Mujetahid M., S.Hut., M.P., IPU. really appreciates UKM PAL’s initiative to send aid to Luwu flood victims and says that this form of care must be developed.

“Very high appreciation for UKM PAL. I am very proud of your caring attitude towards the Luwu flood victims. I hope that activities like this can continue to be carried out and we from the Faculty will continue to support and help,” said Mujetahid.

Furthermore, the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, said that it is never too late to help, hopefully this aid can be distributed well and provide benefits to the Luwu flood victims.
