Faculty of Forestry Unhas Holds Socialization Activities on Waste Management and Waste Bank Operations on the Unhas Campus

Tamalanrea-Makassar. The Unhas Waste Working Working Group Team through the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University (Unhas) held Socialization activities for Integrated Waste Management and Waste Bank Operations at the Unhas Tamalanrea Campus. The activity took place starting at 08.30 WITA in the Senate Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Forestry, Unhas, Wednesday (8/5/2024).

Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, Dr. Ir. A. Mujetahid M., S.Hut., M.P., IPU. started the activity by giving a speech. In his speech, he stated that the waste problem is very important to deal with because waste is a big problem that can have a negative influence on the campus environment.

“Trash is a very extraordinary problem which until now has not been handled properly and our very low awareness in handling waste is one of the triggers that until now waste cannot be handled,” said Dr. A. Mujetahid.

Dr. Ir. A. Mujetahid M., S.Hut., M.P., IPU. said that he hopes that through this activity we can increase awareness of all of us in handling and managing waste properly within the Unhas Campus environment which can later become a reference for the wider community in handling waste.

Present as a resource person, Dr. Eng. Ir. Irwan Ridwan Rahim, S.T., M.T. (Chair of the Unhas Waste Working Group) presented material related to Integrated Waste Management Unhas Tamalanrea and Saharuddin Ridwan, S.Sos., M.M. presented material about Waste Sorting and Waste Bank Operations.

Chair of the Unhas Waste Working Group, Dr. Eng. Ir. Irwan Ridwan Rahim, S.T., M.T. In the material, it is stated that waste management is a systematic, comprehensive and sustainable activity which includes reducing and handling waste.

“Waste management can be done by collecting and final processing or recycling by considering environmental health, economics, technology, conservation, aesthetics and other environmental factors which are closely related to community response,” explained Dr. Irwan.

Dr. Irwan explained that Unhas Campus waste needs to be processed because it refers to Law no. 18 of 2008 concerning the reduction process (3R) is the responsibility of residents/area managers and the handling of government responsibilities. Not only that, it is also to maintain Unhas’ ranking in THE Impact for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) category in 2022 and UI GreenMetric (UIGM) World University Rankings in 2021 and 2022, and The Most Sustainable University in the Eastern Part of Indonesia in 2023.

The aim of Unhas in creating the Zero Waste Campus is as a waste management facility for the Tamalanrea campus, as a means of education/research on waste/solid waste at Unhas and a means of learning about domestic waste processing.

Several aspects of waste management are regulatory/rules aspects, social/community aspects, organizational aspects, technical/technological aspects and financial aspects.

After presenting the material, the activity was then continued with a joint discussion session and going out into the field to see and learn directly about waste management.
