Unhas Hospital BPSS Support Team Conducts Socialization of the Steady Soul Program to Unhas Forestry Faculty Students

Tamalanrea-Makassar. The Bio Psycho Social Spiritual Support Team (BPSS) at Hasanuddin University Hospital (Unhas) conducted socialization of the Unhas Student Program for Healthy Mind and Spirit (Mantap Jiwa) to the Faculty of Forestry, Unhas, with the main target being students. The activity took place starting at 09.00 WITA in the 1st Floor Hall of the Faculty of Forestry Unhas, Tamalanrea Makassar Campus, Friday (3/5/2024).

Starting the activities, the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Unhas, Dr. Ir. A. Mujetahid M., S.Hut., M.P., IPU. In his speech, he expressed his gratitude to the Unhas Hospital, in this case the BPSS Support Team, for carrying out socialization activities for the Mantap Jiwa program at the Faculty of Forestry in order to see the mental and mental health conditions of students.

“Mind and mental health are the two most important things for students because a healthy mind and soul will affect a person’s physical health. I hope that the screening results show that our students’ minds and souls are healthy,” explained Dr. A. Mujetahid.

Dr. A. Mujetahid said that this program is very important to prevent from an early age students who have unhealthy minds and souls.

Present as a resource person, Yassir Arafat Usman, M.Psi., Psychologist. in the material conveys that mindset is a mental attitude that shapes a person’s actions and thoughts.

In humans there are pessimistic and optimistic traits which give a positive and negative influence on a person.

“A person who is optimistic tends to always be grateful for what he has, believes that opportunities are always there, but someone who is pessimistic tends to lack confidence in his own abilities (inferior), likes to look for shortcomings in himself and others, often complains and gives up easily. Therefore, to “prevent and avoid mental and mental health disorders is good to minimize pessimism within ourselves, and always bow down to what God has given us to feed our lives will be calm,” explained Yassir.

Yassir further explained that 90% of disease comes from the burden of a person’s thoughts and feelings. The more burden the mind has, the more disease there is in a person.

After the presentation of the material, the activity then continued with a joint discussion session. The activity went smoothly until 12.00 WITA and ended with a group photo
