Holding Community Service, Faculty of Forestry Unhas Provides Trigona Bee Cultivation Training in Purnakarya Village, District. Maros

The Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University (Unhas), through the Partnership, Research and Innovation Sector, organizes community service activities in Purnakarya Village, Maros Regency. The activity takes place starting at 09.00 WITA, Sunday (22/10/2023).

Community service activities include training in trigona bee cultivation and introducing the community and students of the Faculty of Forestry, Unhas, to the advantages of trigona bee cultivation.

Deputy Dean for Partnership, Research and Innovation, Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, Dr. Ir. Astuti, S.Hut., M.Si., IPU. in his speech expressed his gratitude for the presence of the people of Purnakarya Village, Kab. Maros and students from the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, at this activity.

“This activity aims to provide training to the public on how to cultivate trigona bees properly and correctly, and to introduce that trigona honey bees have many advantages compared to other honey bees, one of which is that they do not require special care and equipment, making it easier for us to cultivate them,” explained Astuti.

Dr. Astuti said that she hoped this activity could provide insight for the people of Purnakarya Village, Kab. Maros and students from the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, regarding the cultivation of trigona bees.

After the speech, the activity continued with the presentation of material from the resource person. Present as resource person was Andi Prastiyo, S.Hut. (Alumni of the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University) presented material about cultivating trigona bees.

Trigona bees are a group of small bees that belong to a group called Meliponini and are closely related to stinging honey bees (Apis spp.) in the Apidae tribe.

“Trigona bees not only produce honey but can produce other products and services such as bee bread, propolis, nucs and pollinator services,” explained Andi Prastiyo.

Several trigona bee cultivation techniques include initial preparation (analysis of environmental suitability and preparation of material tools), colony management, colony development, and products and services.

“In cultivating trigona bees, there are several advantages, namely, they don’t have lean periods and don’t need to be grazed, they are resistant to pests and diseases, have high propolis production, don’t require special care and equipment and don’t sting,” explained Andi Prastiyo.

After the presentation of the material, the activity was continued with a joint discussion. The activity was attended by 40 people and went smoothly until 12.30 WITA.
