Tamalanrea-Makassar. The Senate of the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University (Unhas) held a limited meeting to select prospective candidates for the election of members of the Unhas Board of Trustees (MWA). The activity took place starting at 10.00 WITA in the Senate Meeting Room of the Faculty of Forestry, Tamalanrea Makassar Campus, Monday (26/122022).
The meeting was chaired by the Chair of the Senate of the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Samuel A. Paembonan. Also present were members of the senate, and the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Unhas (Dr. Ir. A. MujetahidM., S.Hut., MP., IPU).
Starting the activities of Prof. Samuel said that the agenda for today’s meeting was the election of prospective members of WMA Unhas, deputy lecturers at the Faculty of Forestry, Unhas.
“In connection with the end of the term of service for members of the Hasanuddin University Board of Trustees for the 2019-2023 period, it is necessary to elect and appoint members of the MWA for the 2023-2027 period,” explained Prof. Samuel
Prof. continued. Samuel said that based on the direction of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Hasanuddin University, each faculty within Hasanuddin University proposed two people as prospective members of the Board of Trustees of Hasanuddin University.
At the end of the meeting, after listening to suggestions, input and opinions from all meeting participants, it was decided that two Lecturers at the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, were selected, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Syamsu Alam, MS. and Prof. Dr. Ir. Yusran, S.Hut., M.Sc., IPU. to be proposed as a candidate in the election for the Unhas Board of Trustees (MWA) for the 2023-2027 period.
Activities continued smoothly until 12.00 WITA.