Improving Lecturer Capabilities Through Collaborative Cooperation, Faculty of Forestry Unhas Visits PT. Vale Indonesia

The Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University (Unhas) through the Forestry Study Program (Prodi) visited PT. Vale Indonesia. The activity takes place starting at 10.00 WITA, Friday (18/11/2022).

Arrival of the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University (Dr. Ir. A. Mujetahid M., S.Hut., M.P., IPU.) along with a group including, Head of the Forestry Department (Dr. Ir. Syamsu Rijal, S.Hut., M.Si ., IPU), Secretary of the Forestry Department (Gusmiaty, S.Hut., M.P.) and several lecturers from the Faculty of Forestry, Hasanuddin University, were welcomed by PT. Vale Indonesia.

PT. Vale Indonesia is an integrated nickel mining and processing company operating in the Sorowako Block, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province.

Companies consisting of biological and non-biological components form biodiversity which includes genetic diversity, species, ecosystems and human cultural diversity.

This prompted the Unhas Forestry Faculty to make a visit to PT. Vale in order to increase the competence of lecturers through collaborative collaboration on biodiversity strategies and formulation, carrying out seeding and seeding as well as monitoring biodiversity in the PT Concession Area. Vale Indonesia.

The Unhas Forestry Faculty delegation was accompanied by PT. Vale Indonesia went directly to the field to monitor biodiversity and see firsthand the activities at PT. Vale Indonesia.

The activity lasts for 3 (three) days, namely 16 s.d. November 18, 2022.
