LP2M Disseminates Research and Community Service Guide to Lecturers at the Faculty of Forestry, Unhas

Tamalanrea-Makassar. The Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) Hasanuddin University (Unhas) is socializing research and community service guidelines for 2023 to lecturers within the Faculty of Forestry, Unhas. The activity took place starting at 13.00 WITA in the 1st Floor Hall of the Faculty of Forestry Unhas, Tamalanrea Campus, Makassar, Wednesday (9/11/2023).

Starting the activities, the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Unhas, Dr. Ir. A. Mujetahid M., S.Hut., M.P., IPU. In his speech, he expressed his gratitude to the leadership of LP2M Unhas for trusting the Faculty of Forestry, Unhas, to host the socialization of research and community service guidelines.

“Thank you to the chairman of LP2M who has given trust to the Faculty of Forestry as a place to carry out this activity. I hope that this activity can help our lecturers in writing good and correct research and service proposals, of course in accordance with the writing rules set by LP2M,” explained A. Mujetahid.

Chair of the Unhas Research and Community Service Institute (LP2M), Prof. Dr. Muh. Nasrum Massi, Ph.D., Sp.MK. gave a speech and officially opened the event. In his speech he said that this activity was carried out in the context of making research and community service proposals with funding from LP2M Unhas.

“I hope that many research and community service teams from the Faculty of Forestry will be formed, and many of their proposals will pass and be submitted. “I also hope that many Forestry Faculty lecturers can join other faculties,” explained Prof. Nasrum.

After the official opening, the activity then continued with the presentation of material by the resource person. Present as a resource person was Prof. Andi Dirpan, STP., M.Si, Ph.D. delivered material related to Unhas research and community service guidelines in 2023.

Prof. Andi Dirpan in his material said that there is only one Unhas research scheme for 2023, namely Collaborative Fundamental Research (PFK) with the requirement that the head of the education team be a doctorate (S3) or master (S2) with the position of lecturer, the research team must be at least 7 people involving 2 students, funding range Rp. 70,000,000,- with publication journals required to be indexed by Scopus.

Some of the objectives of Collaborative Fundamental Research (PFK), namely, encouraging the acceleration of the achievements of the Unhas strategic plan, encouraging researchers to conduct strategic plan-based research, obtaining scientific capital in the form of realizing independence in the field of research and increasing the number and quality of lecturers’ scientific publications.

The activity continued with a joint discussion session, which ran smoothly until 15.00 WITA.
